Perched high above the often violent and perilous seas of the Pacific, Heceta Head offers one of the most picturesque lighthouses along the 363 mile Oregon coastline.
Read MoreDetails of Fresnel lens (135mm f/8)
Details of Fresnel lens (135mm f/8)
Perched high above the often violent and perilous seas of the Pacific, Heceta Head offers one of the most picturesque lighthouses along the 363 mile Oregon coastline.
Read MoreGolden hour image taken at 400mm f/11
Winding down the serpentine Burnt Ranch Road, the Painted Hills unit of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument in Central Oregon is a geological gem. The unit is one of three within the monument spread throughout Wheeler and Grant Counties. The Painted Hills are considered one of the Seven Wonders of Oregon and it is easy to see why.
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